2008 MASCHINPLEX Sortomat 6D

2008 MASCHINPLEX Sortomat 6D

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Location:Barrow-in-Furness, United Kingdom


This listing is for a 2008 MASCHINPLEX Sortomat 6D Tablet Sorter.

Sorters by MASCHINPEX are used for fully automatic checking of pharmaceutical and confectionery products. The SORTOMAT sorts regarding thickness.

The product to be sorted is fed from the feed hopper to the sorting section via an adjustable gate and a vibratory feed chute. In the SORTOMAT the product is canalised and fed to the sorting rollers. These can be adjusted to the desired tolerances without any format parts and separate the product in the fractions too thin, good and too thick. The SORTOMAT D first guides the product over the diameter sorting unit and then checks regarding thickness.

Stock ID: BFPL073


ModelSortomat 6D
Serial Number1396
Stock NumberBFPL073